Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Number 9...

I'm currently listening to Revolution 9 from the Beatles White Album as I write this. Now it's just weird, but a year or two ago when I was really into the whole "Paul is Dead" conspiracy this would creep the heck out of me. But I'd always turn it up all they way to try to hear it everything and find clues, but I could never listen to it at night. In fact I remember one night I had been reading my dad's book about the "Paul is Dead" conspiracy and later when I was sleeping I had a dream where I had woken up and rolled of my bed. I landed right next to the book and saw on a page where all it was was about doom and death and then I guess I just died. I woke up later and tried to find the page but it apparently never existed.

Anyway, today was the last day of school before spring break so thing should be a lot more laid back this weekend, hopefully this will give me some opportunities to do some illustrations and maybe work on the Pirates script (Which I'm debating continuing (sp) I want to make another movie, but I'm not sure this is a good one to get back into making films with). Anyway yeah that's about it, just wanted to put that out there.



yohoster said...

I would like to view one of your films....

Anonymous said...

i found out something weird.

if you listen to "I Will" and turn up the bass and fiddle with the balance.

the instrument that sounds like a contrabass is actually a guy going "doop, doop, doop" in a really deep voice.

i thought that was cool.